17 research outputs found

    Now-casting Romanian Migration into the United Kingdom by using Google Search engine data

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    Background: Short-term forecasts of international migration are often based on data that are incomplete, biased, and reported with delays. There is also a scarcity of migration forecasts based on combined traditional and new forms of data. Objective: This research assessed an inclusive approach of supplementing official migration statistics, typically reported with a delay, with the so-called big data from Google searches to produce short-term forecasts ("now-casts") of immigration flows from Romania to the United Kingdom. Methods: Google Trends data were used to create composite variables depicting the general interest of Romanians in migrating into the United Kingdom. These variables were then assessed as predictors and compared with benchmark results by using univariate time series models. Results: The proposed Google Trends indices related to employment and education, which exhaust all possible keywords and eliminate language bias, match trends observed in the migration statistics. They are also capable of moderate reductions in prediction errors. Conclusions: Google Trends data have some potential to indicate up-to-date current trends of interest in mobility, which may serve as useful predictors of sudden changes in migration. However, these data do not always improve the accuracy of forecasts. The usability of Google Trends is also limited to short-term migration forecasting and requires understanding of contexts surrounding origin and destination countries. Contribution: This work provides an example on combining Google Trends and official migration data to produce short-term forecasts, illustrated with flows from Romania to the UK. It also discusses caveats and suggests future work for using these data in migration forecasting

    The Marketing of River Forwarding and Freight Services

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    River forwarding and freight contain, on the one hand, the movement of goods on the river and on the other hand, services related to handling, storage, issuance of documents and payment of all rendered services. Currently, inland navigation in Europe and on other continents has an increasing share of the overall transport of goods. From the statistical published data it results, for example, that in Central Europe the inland waterway has nearly 1/3 of all traffic, with a constant growth tendency.The volume of goods handled on the river is directly related to the degree of development of material and technical base of the river transportation system, respectively, it depends on the number and capacity of the used vessel, size and level of equipment of ports, and the navigability of the waters

    Data and code for: Now-casting Romanian migration into the United Kingdom by using Google Search engine data

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    The archive contains data and computer code for reproducing the results in the article Now-casting Romanian migration into the United Kingdom by using Google Trends data, published in Demographic Research journal, Vol 45, No. 40. It contains code in R and Stan to process data, carry out simulations, and produce figures and tables from the article


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    Obiective. În acest studiu, am investigat dacă măsurătorile NIRS înainte şi după transfuziile de concentrat eritrocitar pot răspunde la întrebarea: a reprezentat transfuzia un beneficiu? Pot fi utile măsurătorile derivate din NIRS în identificarea unor criterii mai obiective pentru ghidurile de transfuzie? Material şi metodă. Studiu prospectiv, observaţional ce s-a derulat în perioada iulie 2017 – martie 2018 într-un centru terţiar de terapie intensivă . A înrolat 44 de prematuri cu greutatea ≤1.250 g şi vârstă gestaţională ≤30 săptămâni, care au fost randomizaţi în funcţie de transfuzia de CE în grup transfuzat (n = 29) şi grup netransfuzat (n = 15). Prematurii care au necesitat transfuzie au fost monitorizaţi NIRS, pretransfuzional (monitorizare continuă 24 de ore), în timpul transfuziei, şi 24 de ore după transfuzie. Pacienţii netransfuzaţi au fost de asemenea monitorizaţi cu pulsoximetrie regională cerebrală la o vârstă postnatală şi în condiţii clinice asemănătoare grupului transfuzat. Rezultate. Valorile oximetriei cerebrale şi sistemice au avut valori comparabile la cele cele două grupuri atunci când s-au comparat rezultatele dinaintea transfuziei.Legat de efectul transfuzional se observă o creştere semnificativă a oxigenării tisulare cerebrale (CrSO2) chiar în timpul transfuziei, efect ce se menţine timp de 24 de ore: medie CrSO2 80±2, p value 0,019. De asemenea valorile fracţiei de extracţie a oxigenului tisular cerebral încep să scadă în timpul transfuziei, şi se menţin scăzute şi în următoarele 24 de ore 0,22±0,05 vs 0,15±0,02 – p value <0,013. Concluzii. Transfuzia de CE la prematurii cu greutate foarte mică stabili clinic are ca rezultat creşterea tranzitorie a CrSO2 şi scăderea tranzitorie a FTOE. Putem folosi fracţia de eliberare a oxigenului tisular - FTOE - ca indicator al nevoii de transfuzie alături de valoarea hematocritului şi semnele clinice


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    Objectives. In this study we investigated if the cerebral oxygenation measurements before and after the packed red blood cell transfusions (PRBC) can answer the question: was transfusion beneficial? Can the measurements derived from NIRS (near infrared spectroscopy) be useful for the identification of more objective criteria for the transfusion guidelines? Patients and methods. This is a prospective observational study, performed in the period July 2017 – March 2018, in the 3th neonatal intensive care unit. It enrolled 44 preterm infants, with a weight ≤ 1250 g and gestational age ≤ 30 weeks, randomized by the PRBC transfusion in transfused group (n = 29) and non-transfused group (n = 15). The preterm infants that needed transfusion were NIRS monitored before (continuous monitoring 24 h), during and 24 h after the transfusion. The non-transfused patients were also monitored with cerebral regional pulse-oximetry at postnatal age, and under clinical conditions similar to the transfused group. Results. The values of the cerebral and systemic oximetry were comparable for the two groups when comparing the results before transfusion. Regarding the effects of transfusions, results showed a significant increase of cerebral tissue oxygenation (CrSO2) even during the 4 hours of transfusion, an effect maintained 24 hours following transfusion: postransfusional mean CrSO2 = 80±2, p value 0.019. Moreover, the values of the fractional cerebral tissue oxygen extraction begin to decrease during transfusion, and they remain low for the next 24 h as well 0.25±0.05 vs 0.15±0.02 – p value <0.013. Conclusions. PRBC transfusion in clinically stable very low birth weight preterm leads to the transient increase of CrSO2 and transient decrease of FTOE. Our data support the use of measurements derived from NIRS (FTOE) for the identification of the sub-clinical imbalance in O2 delivery and consumption as objective measurement in anemic preterm infants